Steel - Low, Medium and High Carbon

Steel is fundamentally an alloy of Iron and Carbon, with the carbon content  varying from less than 0-25% to 1.5%. The type of steel is known by its carbon content;  for example low carbon steel - upto 0-25% carbon; medium carbon Steel - from 0.25%  to 0-75% carbon and high carbon steel from 0-75% to 1-5% carbon.

Manufacture of Steel

There are a number of methods used for manufacture of Steel. The principle methods are:

  1. Cementation process
  2. Crucible process,
  3. Bessemer process,
  4. Open-hearth process,
  5. Electric process

Cementation process

 In this process, bars of wrought iron are placed in a furnace between layers of  powdered charcoal and subjected to high temperature — about 700°C for 5 to 14 days according  to the quality of steel required.

Under these conditions the carbon gradually diffuses  into the iron and dissolves in it, thus raising the carbon content. The steel manufactured  by this process is known as “blister steel” since the bars are covered with blisters due to  evolution of gas. The amount of carbon introduced into the iron is usually 0.75 — 1.5%.

Crucible process

In this process either fragments of blister steel or short lengths of wrought iron  bars mixed with charcoal are heated in fire clay crucibles and the molten product is run  into iron molds. The steel so produced is known as “ cast steel”.

Cast steel is a perfectly  homogeneous product and extremely hard. It is used in making finest cutlery and cutting  tools. it is also known as “tool steel.”

Bessemer process

In this process pig iron is melted in  a cupola and run into a pear—shaped  Bessemer converter which is a steel shell  lined with refractory material; and pivoted  on trunnions so that it can be tilted for  pouring or charging.

Sometimes, molten  pig iron from blast furnace is directly used.  After the converter is charged with molten  pig iron, a strong blast ‘of air is forced  through the molten mass for about 20  minutes through the nozzles provided at the  bottom of the converter.

The air oxidizes  all the carbon and silicon present, leaving  pure iron in the converter, The blast  is now stopped and the required quantity  of ferro-manganese is added in order to  give the desired carbon and manganese  content to the steel.

The blast is again turned on for a few minutes more to ensure thorough mixing up of the alloy. The converter  is then tilted into discharging position  and discharged into ladles. From the ladle, the  molten metal is poured in rectangular molds where it solidifies into ingots.

 Open-hearth process

The outstanding feature of the open-hearth furnace is the intense heat obtainable by  its regenerative process. The flame burns above a shallow vessel containing the charge of  pig iron, steel scrap, iron ore and flux.

The process is conducted in gas-fired regenerativg  furnaces, which also effect economy in fuel. The furnace is of the reverbaratory type.

The  hearth slopes in all directions towards the taphole at the back of the furnace. 'T' openings are usually provided in the furnace front, pig iron being charged through the outer ones, and the ore or scrap through the central one.

The openings are closed by doors,  which are operated by chains. The passage from the regenerators to the furnace is  through the end walls of the furnace. Below the furnace are placed the re/generators arranged  in two pairs. These pairs are heated alternately by sending through them the hot gases  from the furnace on their Way to the chimney.

The ‘heat absorbed this way is afterwards  given up again to air and the gas, on their way to the furnace. The direction in which the  air and gas pass through the regenerators is reversed about every half hour, thus maintaining  the high temperature and retaining most of the heat in the furnace and regenerators  .

After pig iron is charged into the furnace, additions of haematite, or other pure oxidised ores are made from time to time, which effect the oxidation and removal of the silicon,  carbon and manganese in the pig iron.

Spigel and ferro-manganese are also added to the  steel,  spigel being added when the carbon is reduced below 0.1% and ferro-manganese after  the metal is tapped out into the ladle, the latter being added to restore malleability and  to carburise the iron. 

Electric Process        

The type of electric furnaces used for this process are the High frequency  furnace, and the Electric arc furnace.

The principle employed in high frequency furnace is that when a piece of steel is held in a coil of wire and an alternating current is passed through the coil, due to induction this sets an eddy current in the steel. If these eddy currents  are powerful enough, their passage through the steel will cause the" steel to be  heated up. 

In the case of are furnace, which is most commonly used, the heat is obtained  from arcs struck between carbon electrodes and the metal of the charge. The  charge is taken direct from an open-hearth furnace. The intense heat keeps the  metals in fluid state and the impurities are removed as slag. At this stage  alloying constituents in required proportions may be added, according to the  quality of steel required. 

A great advantage of the electric furnace is absence of gas, fume and impurities which are present in fuel-fed furnaces and which may introduce impurities  into the melt or oxidise a required constituent out of it. Whatever is put into  an electric furnace may be relied upon to stay there, and if well fitting top is  kept on the crucible, little oxidation can take place. 

Properties and Uses of Steel     

Low carbon (0.25%) or Mild Steel

Properties: Ductile, less malleable, stronger, harder  and more uniform  than wrought iron.  Easily forged, welded,  machined or stamped to shape.

Uses: Bolts, tubes,  rivets, plates,  all parts where  great strength  or hardness is  not required.      

Medium (0.25% to 0.7%) Carbon Steel

Properties: Rather stronger and  harder, but less  ductile and malleable  than low carbon  steel therefore  not so easily worked.     

Uses: Shafts, rods,  bolts, tubes  and tools e. g., hacksaw frames,  hammer heads,  fitter's square etc.

High (0.7% to 1.5%) Carbon Steel

Properties: Strong and less ductile. Hardness and toughness  depend on heat  treatment. Can be  made very hard without  undue brittleness. 

Uses: Cutting tools  of ail kinds  e. g. chisels,  handsaws, drills,  reamers, taps, dies,  punches, files etc.                
